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Czech Literature Publishing

Europe - Western | Project # 91055


Forty years under an atheistic communist government scoured away many of the Czech Republic’s Christian resources. Today, the largest Christian publishers’ websites offer a few hundred titles each. There is a desperate need for biblical literature in the Czech language.

The MTW team in the Czech Republic has facilitated and supported the publishing of Czech language Christian literature since its early days of ministry there more than 20 years ago. These books—from evangelistic and apologetic works to Sunday school materials and leadership training—are distributed around the country, their reach far exceeding that of a local ministry team. For example, one Sunday school teacher has been using The Jesus Storybook Bible and its Sunday school curriculum for her class. She has expressed what a blessing it is to have materials for these children that highlight the unity of the Scriptures in pointing to Christ.

Your gifts to this project will enable more leaders to be trained, more believers to be deepened and encouraged in their Scriptural knowledge, and more unchurched Czech people to be ministered to.