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Cuba Partnership

Americas - Caribbean | Project # 92750


MTW’s partnership with the Los Piños Nuevos has been one of the most exciting endeavors in the region. The local believers share a vision to see the church expand through church planting (house churches), training leaders, and local resourcing of ministries (books, DVDs, etc.) to ensure the continuing progression of making disciples in Cuba. This is the focus of our human and financial partnership in Cuba. Training leaders and church planters in Los Piños Nuevos will ensure the continuing progression of making disciples in Cuba. This is evident in their vision.

The Cuba Partnership project helps ensure the ongoing training of leaders and church planters through funding the seminars and providing resources that otherwise would not be available. Each year, it is our desire to offer nine to 12 training events. Currently MTW is providing $3,000 per conference to cover the travel, food, lodging, and materials for participants. Training is focused on counseling and family life, Living in Grace, Christ-centered preaching, and evangelism and community renewal. All funds supplement donations given by churches, organizations, and ministries for the production of materials for the churches.