Bulgaria Translation & Publication
Europe - Eastern | Project # 90775
When the MTW church planting work in Bulgaria began in 1996, it was immediately apparent that very little quality theological material was available in the Bulgarian language. Decades of Communism left gaping holes in Christian witness and resources. As a result, a publishing company, Dynamic Consulting, Ltd., was begun.
The MTW team’s strategy is to translate and publish at least one high-quality Reformed and covenantal book in every subject matter pertaining to Christian life and theology. All books are sold at or below cost to make sure that they are affordable to every Bulgarian.
The publications are providing Bulgarians with quality literature during these formative generations of Church leadership. Seminary students have textbooks in their native language. Doors are being opened across denominational lines for Reformed and Covenantal theology. The publishing house has created jobs for Bulgarians in a time when some cities have 50% or higher unemployment rate, and the impact of their work will last for generations.
Gifts to this project will endow the Church in Bulgaria for years to come with biblical resources for members and leaders alike.

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