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Serve Missionary Families at Orientation

United States Mission Trips Americas - North
Photo by Andres Idda Bianchi: Pexels

Have you ever wondered how you could be an encouragement to families following the Lord’s call into missions? It is not an easy path. Their journey is filled with travel, meetings, travel, meetings, and on and on until they are fully funded and field ready. They need support along the way from their brothers and sisters in Christ.

Several times a year, new missionary families gather together for five days at MTW’s home office in Lawrenceville, Georgia, for Kingdom Foundations Orientation. During the day, there is a need for individuals to care for the children, which is where you come in. Volunteering your time during the day to love on and care for their children would be a great encouragement to the new missionaries. Your meals will be provided.

There is no cost to serve, but you will need to provide your own transportation. And if you are coming from out of town, you will be responsible for any lodging or other personal expenses.


Upcoming Dates:

  • March 10-14
  • June 9-13
  • Sept. 22-26

For questions or to apply, click "Get Started" above.


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Serve Missionary Families at Refresh | Jan 20-25, July 14-19
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Chihuahua, Mexico, Trip
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Monterrey, Mexico | Summer Trips
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Additional Trips
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