Short-term mission trips are a wonderful way to expose your church members to the mission field. A short-term trip can increase vision and passion for the world and clarify giftedness and calling. Bring a group from your church and assist local churches in Saltillo with VBS, outreach events, prayer walks, and some light construction.
Saltillo is a city of 1 million located some 60 miles northwest of Monterrey. The opportunities will focus on working with the Dios con Nosotros church and two other church plants in the city in reaching out to their communities. Expect to be involved in light construction work, such as painting and cleaning areas around the churches, and outreach events, such as VBS and English camp.
Dates: June through August
Estimated cost per person: TBD
For more information or to make arrangements for your group, contact [email protected].

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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