For early professionals: Serve on a trip overseas, use your skills to help develop a particular business project, gain experience and exposure to what Workplace Ministry looks like in action, and assess your own call to long-term missionary service.
If you are a young professional or nearing the end of your college career, you can serve on a Group Venture trip. These trips allow you to use your skills to help develop a particular business project overseas, gain experience and exposure to what Workplace Ministry looks like in action, and assess your own call to long-term missionary service.
Think of this as the business version of a medical missions trip: Rather than going and setting up clinics to help people with medicine and preach the gospel, trip participants will be using their skills to help people set up business ventures and use this as a platform both to share the gospel and to build bridges between long-term missionaries and their communities. These trips generally last between one and several weeks and are perfect for many with “non-traditional” missionary skills. Are you a web developer or a graphic designer? Perfect! Entrepreneur or marketing professional? We’d love to have you! Come put your skills to work for the kingdom and learn how God can use you across the globe for His purposes.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
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