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Campus Ministry in Madrid

Madrid Spain 1–11 Months Longer Europe - Western

Do you like hanging out with university students and getting them into gospel conversations? Come join our team in Madrid and help us start an RUF-Global ministry!

Spain is the least evangelized Spanish-speaking country in the world. Although it is traditionally Catholic, very few people attend church or believe foundational Christian doctrines. However, young people are more open to spiritual conversations than older generations. And with 300,000 students in the area, there is great opportunity. Our vision is to establish a central ministry in Madrid and then expand to other campuses across Spain.

If you love student work, why not do it in Spain? Join our team and be part of bringing the good news to Madrid.


Community Outreach Through Art
Church Planting in Norway: All Gifts Needed
Art, Music, Media: Calling All Creatives!
Community Outreach Through Art
Church Planting and Community Outreach Coordinator
Indigenous Ministry Outreach
Church Planting in Norway: All Gifts Needed
Join a Growing Team in Freiburg, Germany
Sydney Summer Intensive | June 9-23
Mission Trips
Lviv Greenhouse Intensive | June 16–July 14
Mission Trips