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How Will You Multiply?

We have resources to help you encourage at least one person to consider serving cross-culturally.

Here's Our Challenge to You

"And he said to them, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest'" (Luke 10:2)

Would you commit to praying for more workers for the fields that are "white with harvest"? And as you pray, would you ask for the Lord's guidance in challenging just one person to serve in missions? 

If only missions-sending organizations challenge Christ-followers to go, our impact will be small. But think of the impact if many people were mobilizing for the kingdom. The multipliers will multiply and, if God wills, many more will serve in missions and proclaim the good news that Christ has redeemed us! 

Identifying Potential Missionaries

There are ways to identify someone who may be interested in global missions, including:


They are focused on growing in faith and building God's kingdom rather than their own accomplishments or reputation. 


They pray about the needs around them and about seeking God’s will for their lives.


They are sensing the Holy Spirit directing them toward a particular place of the world or to the work of cross-cultural missions.


They are serving in the church and others recognize their gifts.


They have the essential character qualities of a church leader such as exhibiting humility and being hospitable, self-controlled, and disciplined.


They are willing to be servants and learners in cross-cultural situations and would consider a short-term missions trip.


Consider studying the Scriptures with this person using one of these resources.