Wong, Thomas & Kristin

Serving in Japan | Acct # 18401


The Wongs serve with Christ Bible Institute whose mission is to “equip Christians in Japan for gospel ministry.” CBI includes a theological seminary (CBS), church planting center (Joy of Japan Center), a translation and publication team (CBI Press), and a counseling program.

Thomas first learned in college that the Christian population in Japan is less than 1% and has since had a heart to see the gospel grow there. He has served with CBI Press and Joy of Japan Center since 2017. Kristin has had a heart to share the gospel since middle school when she went on several mission trips to Haiti. She will be serving in a ministry role and working on language study. To pursue their callings, Thomas has an M.Div. and Kristin has a degree in international and community development.

They married in 2022 and are excited to be in ministry together with their two daughters in Japan. Please be in prayer with them that God will continue to build up the Japanese Church.

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