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Austin, Tom & Ann
Serving in Global | Acct # 10109
Tom and Ann have been with Mission to the World since 1983, when they answered God’s call to life-long missions in Africa. For over 14 years they served in Kenya, seeking to raise up leaders for the Church in Africa through theological education and leadership training. In 1999 they moved to South Africa where Tom became president of the Bible Institute of South Africa, an MTW partner institution. This gave Tom experience in leading a multi-cultural organization. In 2005 he became an area coordinator for MTW in theological education and leadership training in Sub-Saharan Africa. During their years in Africa, Ann was involved in a variety of ministries to women: teaching Bible courses, chronological Bible storying, prison ministry, and a speaking ministry to Christian women, as well as ministering with Tom on his travels around Africa.
Tom and Ann are now bringing their years of experience in Africa to the MTW Learning Team, which is a team of international missionaries committed to developing innovative strategies in learning and training for ministry skills, leadership development, and cross-cultural skills in order to meet the needs of the 21st-century Church around the world.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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