Brown, Roberta

Serving in Japan | Acct # 10524


Roberta went to Japan in 1992 and has been helping facilitate gospel-centered churches in the Tokyo/Chiba area by teaching conversational English classes and English Bible studies. English is a felt need for Japanese people hoping to gain international skills. English classes provide ways to meet people and teach them from the Bible, the world’s best seller.


Though Japan is an industrialized nation, it is spiritually impoverished with more than 99.5% of over 126 million people not yet knowing Christ. This makes Japan the second largest unreached people group in the world. There remains a tremendous need for the gospel to be proclaimed in Japan and for hearts to be touched and changed by it. 


Please pray for Roberta to effectively and boldly communicate the gospel of Christ to those she comes in contact with, to encourage and help the existing Japanese Church, and to continue to grow in her relationship with God. Pray, also, that God would give Japanese Christians the faith and courage to obey Him and to seek to win their culture for Jesus Christ.

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