Crane, Richard & Robyn

Serving in Global | Acct # 11125


Richard was born in Chile, and attended Chilean schools through the eighth grade, completing high school in North Carolina. In addition to receiving a B.A. from Covenant College and an M. Div. from Covenant Seminary, Richard has also studied at Westminster Seminary and has Chilean certification in systems family therapy. Originally from Pennsylvania, Robyn has a B.A. in Bible and teacher certification from Covenant College, and has studied at Covenant Seminary. They have three adult children.

From 1979 to 1991, the Cranes worked with the National Presbyterian Church in Chile, helping to plant various churches and founding a Christian counseling and training center (PEPP). From 1992 to 1999 they developed EMEP, a Chilean expression of Marriage Encounter that helps bring couples to Christ and into the Cristo Rey church where Richard was a pastor until 2002. In 2003 the Cranes moved to Miami where Richard works with various organizations connected to MTW developing distance education courses in pastoral psychology. They reach Spanish speakers all over the globe as they conduct leadership training by extension using the Internet, printed material, and intensive courses overseas. 

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