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Aschmann, Richard & Betty
Serving in Ecuador | Acct # 10107
Rick and Betty serve in Ecuador among the Quichua Indians. Their ministry focuses on Bible translation, leadership training, church planting, and literature production in the Quichua Indian language.
Rick and his family served for many years in a cooperative agreement between Mission to the World and Wycliffe Bible Translators, working in Colombia from 1981 to 1994. Rick’s first wife, Heidi Marie, died in 1997 after a long battle with cancer. In 1998, Rick was reassigned to Ecuador to work in the Quichua Indian language.
Rick and Betty met in Ecuador in 1999 and married in 2000. Betty served with HCJB Global from 1992 until she married Rick. She worked in an international television production studio, producing Christian programs in Spanish for Latin America. She continues to produce videos on an occasional basis.
Rick was ordained as a pastor in 2014, after a two-year church planting internship in Bogotá, Colombia. The Aschmanns then returned to Ecuador to begin a new church-planting work among the Quichua Indians. Rick is also involved in Bible translation projects in several Indigenous languages to provide God’s Word in the heart language of the Ecuadorian people.

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Lawrenceville, GA 30043
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