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Call, Ray & Michele
Serving in Belize | Acct # 11267
Ray is an ordained minister in the PCA and serves in pastoral ministry, evangelism, and church planting/revitalization in Belize. Ray and Michele have a passion to see God establish confessionally Reformed churches in Latin America that will render biblical worship to the Triune God and be beacons of light to a world that needs Christ. The Call family has been serving with MTW since 2006, working for a number of years along the U.S./Mexico border and later in Uruguay in partnership with the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Currently Ray works in partnership with the Presbyterian Church in Belize, a denomination committed to the Word of God and with reaching people in Belize with the message of Jesus Christ.
Ray and Michele grew up in Southern California. Ray studied philosophy at California State University, Long Beach and Michele holds a degree in biblical studies from Biola. After serving with Cru in college ministry at Fresno State, they left for Covenant Seminary where Ray graduated with an M.Div. in 2006. While in St. Louis, they ministered to Hispanic international students and God called them into cross-cultural church-planting ministry. Ray and Michele have eight children.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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