Lee, Paul & Susan

Serving in Cambodia | Acct # 14490


Cambodia still bears the scars of the Khmer Rouge genocide. In the wake of that tragedy, different entities have attempted to fill the void left by the devastation. The Lees desire to be used by God to help build up His kingdom through the planting of churches, filling the void with the only thing worthy, namely the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

In November of 2010, Paul and Susan Lee and their two boys joined the MTW team in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. They serve alongside national pastors and leaders in helping plant churches throughout Cambodia. Over the years they have also had the opportunity to oversee and partner with other MTW teams and national partners as churches are planted in other countries in Southeast Asia.

Please pray that the Lee family would be used for the expansion and the maturing of the Church in Southeast Asia that the gospel of the kingdom would continue to advance throughout the world.

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