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Henson, Nathan & Kristen
Serving in Peru | Acct # 13276
Nathan grew up in Georgia and became a Christian at age 20, while on a mission trip to Peru. He received an M.D. from the Medical College of Georgia, and completed his specialty training in ophthalmology. During his training, Nathan was greatly impacted by physicians who shared Christ’s love through medicine. Kristen also grew up in Georgia, and became a Christian at age 19. She received her master’s in nursing from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and is a nurse practitioner. Shortly after marrying in 2005, Kristen and Nathan felt God’s calling to serve as long-term missionaries.
Kristen and Nathan serve the Quechua in Cusco, Peru, as a part of Medical Campus Outreach International (MCOI). This team has committed to share the love of Christ with healthcare students. Of the 1.2 million people living in the area surrounding Cusco, only four percent are Christians. Poverty is widespread, and many lack access to healthcare. The goal of MCOI is to teach future professionals to bring the gospel to their own people using the medical skills that God is giving them. The Hensons also seek to demonstrate Christ-centered healthcare by serving the needy in Cusco with their medical training.

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Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
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