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Aleman, Jorge & Maricela
Serving in Mexico | Acct # 93780
Jorge and Maricela married in 1993 and have three adult daughters: Keren, Kelia, and Katia. Jorge has been a national partner with MTW for more than 25 years as a leader of the church planting movement in northern Mexico. He is the director of MTW/Church Planting Center (Centro para la Plantación de Iglesias – CPI) in Monterrey, Mexico. He also trains and coaches church planters in partnership with City to City. The training focuses on developing the character, skills, and abilities church planters need to establish new and growing churches.
Jorge is also the senior pastor of Jesucristo Fuente de Redención church in Monterrey. He is a leader in the Nuevo Leon Presbytery, which has a vision for expanding church planting. Maricela directs the children’s ministry, develops children’s curriculum for VBS and Sunday school, and leads several women’s Bible studies.
Jorge and Maricela graduated from El Seminario Teológico Presbiteriano de México. Jorge also received his Master of Divinity from Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte in 2005.

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Lawrenceville, GA 30043
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