Oh, Michael & Pearl

Serving in Japan | Acct # 15705


Michael and Pearl Oh serve in Nagoya, Japan, with the CBI (Christ Bible Institute) team. Since March 2013 Michael has served as executive director/CEO of the Lausanne Movement ( which was founded by Dr. Billy Graham and seeks to “connect influencers and ideas for global mission.” Through the Lausanne Movement many of today’s key global mission strategies such as UPGs (Unreached People Groups), holistic mission, and the 10/40 Window were introduced to the global Church. Lausanne has also played host to the three largest and most globally representative gatherings of Christian leaders in the history of the Church.

Michael is also board chair and founder of CBI Japan ( which includes Christ Bible Seminary, church-planting efforts, and a “safe space” outreach to young people in downtown Nagoya called the Heart & Soul Cafe. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania where he also completed his undergraduate studies and a master's degree. His theological training was received at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and he also completed a master's degree in Regional Studies-East Asia at Harvard University.


Michael has spoken at many conferences including Urbana, The Gospel Coalition, and Desiring God. 

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