Meadows, Amanda

Serving in Poland | Acct # 400869


Growing up in the Chicago area (boasting the largest Polish community outside Poland), Amanda was exposed to Polish people, food, and traditions as a girl. She also grew up in a church that highly valued missions in both word and deed. For her, going to the mission field someday has always been an option on the table.

Three years after finishing her master’s in English, she moved to Jaworzno, Poland, to work as an English teacher at a preschool run by a Polish missionary couple. During that year (2017–18), the Lord cultivated in her a love for Polish history, culture, and people. But she also experienced firsthand the spiritual darkness in a land where 95 to 98% of the population claims Christianity yet only 0.3% embrace the gospel.

Since returning to the U.S. in 2018, her love for Poland persisted. In 2023 the Lord provided a clear opportunity for her to pursue an 11-month missions residency in Kraków, Poland, at Christ the Savior Presbyterian Church (Kościół Chrystusa Zbawiciela), a church that she attended in 2018.

Beginning in fall 2024, Amanda will join the church team as the church life coordinator, putting her multitude of experience, talents, and interests to work in children’s and women’s ministry, administrative tasks, hospitality, and English outreach. Amanda’s goal for this residency is to discern, along with her team in Kraków, whether the Lord may be leading her to invest her time and talents in Poland as a full-time missionary.

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