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Bocanegra, Mark & Megumi
Serving in Japan | Acct # 10858
Mark and Megumi met in Chiba, Japan, both realizing that they had hearts to serve Japan. Megumi grew up in a Japanese Christian home. Mark spent 10 years of his childhood in Tokyo and became a Christian at Stanford University. He worked for Rakuten, Japan's largest internet mall, to confirm his call to Japan before seminary. Mark is a graduate of Westminster Seminary California and is a PCA teaching elder. He is pastor of Kaihin Makuhari Grace Church—a church in the Presbyterian Church of Japan.
KMGC is a 60-person church planted by a veteran Presbyterian pastor in 2001. Mark leads the MTW Makuhari Team that is focused on serving East Kanto with Kaihin Makuhari Grace Church by making disciples in a densely populated residential neighborhood (35,000 people in a third of a square mile), and training shepherds and undershepherds for Japanese church ministry at KMGC. Makuhari Team is a team of diverse missionaries and Japanese nationals with a variety of experiences, backgrounds, and gifts, but with a singular goal to help plant and bolster Christ-centered and Confessional churches.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
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