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Mailloux, Marc & Aline
Serving in Global | Acct # 14711
Marc was raised in a French-Canadian, Roman Catholic milieu in Rhode Island. He got involved with oriental mysticism at Georgetown University in 1972. He was saved in India in April 1973, indirectly through the ministries of Os Guinness and Francis Schaeffer (at L’Abri Fellowship) and an Indian Christian.
Aline is a French native, a descendant of the Huguenots. Raised in a nominally protestant family, she came to saving faith at the age of 18. She studied at the Reformed Seminary of Aix-en-Provence where she met Marc and from which both graduated. Marc and Aline have three adult children.
Marc and Aline worked in France with university students from 1983–86 near Lyon with Campus Crusade. From 1987-1997 they worked planting churches in the Marseille area.
In 1998, they began a ministry amongst the thousands of spiritually receptive French-speaking Haitians of South Florida, teaching in a Haitian Bible school, and doing daily evangelistic radio broadcasts on a Quebecois radio program.
Marc makes regular teaching trips to Haiti and to French West Africa, while Aline is busy correcting the theological theses of future Haitian pastors. Aline and Marc have continued their ministry in France filling in for vacationing French pastors in the summer.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
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