Rockwell, Larry & Sandra

Serving in Peru | Acct # 16524


Larry and Sandy Rockwell first recognized their need for a Savior in their twenties. While preparing for ministry at Columbia International University, God began to plant a seed in their hearts for missions. God continued to work in their hearts the reality of the gospel as Larry worked in the marketplace and Sandy served in the home.

Providentially, God took them through various trials and opportunities which, instead of making them feel strengthened and more adequate to serve, helped them understand how His grace operated in their weakness. As a result of these experiences, they felt constrained to go and share the love of God with those who had never heard the gospel.

After pursuing short-term missions trips to Ecuador and Peru, God called them to serve with Mission to the World among the indigenous people group called the Quechua in the Andes Mountains of Peru. In the mountain city of Huaraz, Larry trains and mentors the Quechua as God raises up men from among them to faithfully teach their own people in the isolated mountain villages of the Huaylas and Conchucos regions. Larry and Sandy have served since 2003. 

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