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Kim, Mark & Rachel
Serving in Japan | Acct # 14099
Rachel learned of Japan’s deep need for Jesus through her dad, the first Japanese Christian in his family. Mark’s Korean immigrant upbringing was part of what God used to draw him to Japan. After meeting in seminary where they received a Master of Arts in counseling and a Master of Divinity respectively, God gave them a burden to share the love of Christ with the Japanese.
Japan is a country with tremendous beauty and influence in the world, and yet less than 1% are Christian despite centuries of missionary effort. Most Japanese will never meet a Christian, thus there is a huge need for next generation Christian leaders.
In 2019, the Kims joined the Christ Bible Institute team whose mission is “to equip Christians in Japan for gospel ministry.” CBI includes a seminary (CBS), church planting and revitalization ministry (Joy of Japan Center), a translation and publication ministry (CBI Press), and a growing counseling program (CCFJ). The Kims work at CBI in communications and logistics and have a heart for coming alongside young families and first-generation Christians.
Join them in praying that God would continue to strengthen and raise up the Japanese Church for His glory.

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Lawrenceville, GA 30043
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