Dortzbach, Karl & Debbie

Serving in Global | Acct # 11720


Karl and Debbie marvel in God’s nurturing grace and opportunities. After more than 25 years of living in Eritrea and Kenya, Baltimore, Md., is their global base for international ministry to enable church leaders to practice a transformative gospel of peace, reconciliation, and wholeness.


Karl teaches African and Asian leaders, who are active in their local churches, seminaries, and communities, through pastoral and doctoral programs in biblical peace studies granted through the Africa International University in Nairobi and the Asia Graduate School of Theology in Manila. Teaching peacemaking in over 20 countries has opened new academic programs across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. In-depth mentoring has impacted leaders who have influenced denominations and institutions. One bishop of over 400 churches in Zambia says, “I have become a resource person to my people, peacemaking has become my life and ministry.”


Debbie serves as the global director of health and social development with World Relief. Her team guides and documents church and community-based health interventions, reaching 1.8 million beneficiaries and nearly 6,000 churches (2014) in 18 countries. Harvesting her experience, she also teaches as adjunct faculty in community development at Covenant College and is frequently involved in engaging health policy makers and donors in Washington, D.C.

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