Stodghill, John & Karen
Serving in Belize | Acct # 17065
John and Karen met on Lookout Mountain, Georgia, while attending Covenant College. They married in 1986 and have three grown children. John has a master’s in business management and undergraduate degree as a registered nurse and paramedic. Karen’s degree is in elementary education. The Stodghills began serving MTW as disaster relief workers since 2003 and became full time missionaries in 2015. They served as church planters in the Bahamas leading short-term mission teams, working in local schools, and assisting with island medical training both in emergency services and disaster preparedness throughout the Caribbean.
In 2019, God called the Stodghills to Belize, Central America. John was asked to serve as team leader. The Stodghills are currently using their organizational skills to help in the revitalization of current churches, as well as leading Bible studies, preaching, and helping with a church plant in Belmopan, the capital city of Belize. God has also opened doors to work in community development through improved health care, emergency services, assisting in local schools, and short-term teams.
Please pray for the Stodghills and about your role on their team. Pray their work will strengthen families and help plant more Reformed, covenantal, grace-based churches with strong national leaders in the church and home.