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In, Samuel
Serving in Thailand | Acct # 400908
Samuel will be serving in Bangkok, Thailand, for 11 months, beginning in 2025. He will be serving the local Thai church in university and youth ministry. Samuel has spent the past 3 years working as a video producer and YouTuber, but also trying to figure out how to leverage the rest of his life so that this Earth looks a little more like heaven.
That’s what leads him to Thailand. Whether it’s the back row at church or at a bar, his heart has always been for places and people the church doesn’t often reach. So, he wants to spend this next part of his life reaching people in a country who might never have a chance otherwise to hear and see the gospel in action.
Samuel will be assisting in a new church plant near a university with the goal of building relationships in the community and taking part in outreach opportunities to point a new generation of young believers towards Christ.
As he is leaving a bunch of good things and good people at home, Samuel does have a lot of questions about what life will look like in his future, but he clings to the fact that God is not scared of his questions and that this God promises that seeking first the kingdom will be more than worth it.

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Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
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