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Hotta, Masakuni
Serving in Japan | Acct # 92897
Kuni Hotta is an MTW global partner with the Christ Bible Institute (CBI) Team in Nagoya, Japan. He is a second-generation Japanese American from Detroit, Mich., born to a family of notable samurai ancestry and a tradition of Buddhist priests. Kuni became a Christian during junior high through the youth ministry of a local church in metro Detroit. Soon after that, God placed a burden on Kuni’s heart for the great need of the gospel among Japanese people, beginning with his family.
Kuni graduated from the University of Michigan, where he studied biomedical engineering and Asian studies. After graduation, God called Kuni to ministry in Japan. He completed an 11-month internship with CBI, during which he served as a member of the outreach team, administrative assistant to the CBI director, and an intern with All Nations Fellowship, an MTW church plant. In April 2016, Kuni enrolled in Christ Bible Seminary as an M.Div. student pursuing pastoral ministry in Japan.
Kuni is grateful to be able to return to the nation of his family and be a witness to the resurrected Christ, for the joy of his people.

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