Heath, Jacob

Serving in Bulgaria | Acct # 400905


Jacob Heath is a native Nashvillian who grew up going to church in Hendersonville. All his life he was surrounded by the gospel, but it wasn’t until his freshman year of college that the Lord revealed Jacob’s sinful lifestyle and need of a savior to him. After changing Jacob’s entire course of life from medical studies to something yet to be determined, God granted Jacob repentance and gave him a saving faith in Christ Jesus.

It was only a few months into Jacob’s new walk when the Lord called him to devote his life to ministry and service in a foreign context. Over the next few years, the Lord started preparing Jacob for this calling by allowing him to participate in student ministry internships, domestic mission opportunities, and church planting initiatives.

In August of 2024, the Lord called Jacob to join Covenant Presbyterian Church of Nashville, where he was introduced to Mission to the World. Through MTW, the Lord has presented Jacob the opportunity to join the team in Sofia, Bulgaria, as an intern. He will follow the Lord’s calling to advance the gospel by participating in their student outreach and English-based evangelism programs.

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