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Ham, Paul
Serving in South Korea | Acct # 400929
Paul will be serving with MTW's team in South Korea to help plant a church and establish other ministries to reach North Korean refugees, migrant workers, and international students. His hope is to see a revival in the Korean church and help raise up disciples and missionaries to be sent out into the nations in that region.
South Korea experienced one of history's most radical and dynamic instances of church growth, going from 0% to roughly 30% of its population professing faith in Jesus Christ in just over a century. However, in recent years, the South Korean church has been experiencing a decline in adherence, particularly in younger demographics.
Additionally, South Korea neighbors a number of highly-unreached or difficult-to-reach nations (such as Japan, North Korea, China, and the nations of Southeast Asia). People from these nations have been immigrating into South Korea at increasing rates over the last few years. Paul recognizes South Korea's strategic position, both geographically and spiritually, as a prime spot to reach the unreached in Asia for Christ.
Please consider partnering with Paul for the advance of the gospel in and through South Korea!

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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