Shepherd, Doug & Masha

Serving in Ukraine | Acct # 16819


Doug and Masha are helping the Ukrainian Presbyterian denomination plant new churches in the western region beginning with Lviv, the cultural and intellectual center of western Ukraine. Doug is the team leader for this new work which began in 2007.

Doug’s journey in missions started at Texas Tech University where his summer missions experiences resulted in a short-term commitment to Ukraine with MTW after his graduation in 1994. Over the following years he was involved in starting a university ministry similar to RUF in the Ukrainian Presbyterian Church.

Masha’s life began behind the iron curtain in Ukraine. When the curtain fell, it allowed new interactions with a variety of worldviews. In her early twenties, Masha came to Christ through the university ministry of the Presbyterian Church of Ukraine.

Doug and Masha married in 2000. Doug received his M.Div. and Masha her M.A. from Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis before moving to Pasadena, where Doug finished a Th.M. at Fuller School of World Mission. 

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