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Ebbers, Derek & Shannon
Serving in Romania | Acct # 12140
Derek and Shannon and their five children have been investing in lives and helping to build Christ’s Church in Romania since 2007. Derek is the team leader and their team’s vision is to establish Reformed and covenantal churches through identifying, training, and resourcing national church planters.
They are invested in church planting, leadership development, and translation and publication of the Third Millennium seminary curriculum. Additionally they minister through English as a Second Language (ESL) and children and youth ministry. They also have an open door for ministry at the University of Transilvania.
Derek and Shannon have a special interest in young couples and families. God has also been using their passion for health and wellness to connect with many in their community. Please pray that the Ebbers would faithfully live the gospel before those with whom they work and live with an ever increasing love, and that they would grow in the knowledge and understanding of the grace of God so they can show that same grace to others.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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