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Davison, Jonas & Christina
Serving in Japan | Acct # 11901
The Davisons are musical artists using their gifts in music performance, audio production, and ethnomusicology to support church planting in Tokyo, Japan. Jonas (B.M. UNC School of the Arts, M.A.B.S. Reformed Theological Seminary) is a flutist and audio/video producer, and Christina (B.M. Furman University, M.M. UNC Chapel Hill) is a singer, violinist, and composer. They have four children.
Through Jonas’s military service with the U.S. Army bands, the Davisons initially spent three and a half years living in Tokyo, and began to spend their nights and weekends moonlighting with the MTW teams in the area (2012–2016). God used that time to call their family into missions. After seminary and recruiting a sending team, the Davisons returned to Japan as missionaries in 2019.
The Davisons are part of the Tokyo City Team, a team of missionaries and Japanese nationals involved in church planting near central Tokyo. They are also part of the MAKE Collective, a global network of missionary artists within Mission to the World.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
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