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Pohl, Craig & Stacy
Serving in Japan | Acct # 16019
Deeply grateful for two decades of ministry with MTW in South America (Ecuador and Chile), Craig and Stacy rejoice in the Lord’s calling to invest the next season of their life to spread the gospel in Japan. Although world renowned for its technology, efficiency, and safety, as well as traditional values like honor and respect, Japan is immersed in spiritual darkness. Today, less than 0.5% of Japan’s 127 million people profess a living faith in Jesus Christ.
Building on years of missionary experience in church planting and development, education, leadership, music, discipleship, and youth/university ministries, the Pohls are excited to partner with MTW’s Makuhari team reaching a densely populated residential area on the Tokyo Bay, east of downtown Tokyo. The Japanese leadership of Kaihin Makuhari Grace Church has asked the MTW team to help plant a new congregation, grow the existing church, and begin a student outreach ministry.
Craig, Stacy, Karis, and Aimee (both students at Covenant College), invite you to pray that Christ, the Light of the World, would transform the “Land of the Rising Sun” by building His Church, for His glory in Japan.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
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