McGinty, Coby & Pamela

Serving in South Africa | Acct # 14885


Coby and Pamela have served in Reformed campus ministry at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, the top-ranked university on the continent, since 2007. At this world-renowned university of 28,000 diverse students, from over 100 nations, they combine their passion for student ministry and love of Africa.

They are helping students thrive at this pivotal time for young hearts and minds, ministering to spiritual, academic, and emotional needs. They minister together, teaching Bible studies and practical life skills, doing evangelism, discipleship, counseling, apologetics, and opening their home. This ministry impacts the future of the African continent as future leaders take the gospel home to their families, communities, tribes, and nations. Coby helps church plants grow by equipping campus ministry leaders all across Southern Africa with his life skills programs.

Pamela has helped found Biblical Counselling Africa, a partnership with CCEF, the Christian Counseling Educational Foundation. BCA provides holistic, biblical counseling education to hundreds across the continent, bringing Christ back into counseling and counseling back into the Church. Pastors, lay counselors, and mental health professionals are seeing hearts and lives changed through counseling. Pamela’s passion is seeing God’s truths address and heal the trauma that plagues so many in Africa.

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