Crocker, Cheryl

Serving in Global | Acct # 11175


Cheryl Crocker is a nurse who ministered over eight years in the Philippines as a medical missionary with an MTW church-planting team. She returned to the U.S. in 2009 and now serves by preparing for and leading medical teams around the world. Cheryl also assists medical ministry in recruitment of both medical and lay people to take part on these medical teams.

At the invitation of MTW missionaries and national church leaders, Cheryl recruits and prepares teams to assist in foreign church-planting efforts through compassionate care, prayer, and evangelism. As Christ demonstrated His concern for physical as well as spiritual healing in Matt. 9:35-37, MTW medical teams pray to have His eyes of compassion for those who are “harassed and helpless” because they are without the Shepherd.

The need for medical missions is great; MTW cannot fulfill this need without the help of the medical community. Cheryl covets your prayers for herself, the medical teams, and those whom they minister to. She also would appreciate your partnership financially and would love to recruit you to go along with her on one of her teams, or one of the many other medical teams that go out each year.

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