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Bersach, Manny & Terri
Serving in Colombia | Acct # 400518
Manny and Terri Bersach are excited to accept MTW’s call to form part of the team in Rionegro, Colombia, a city in the outskirts of Medellín. The team will be planting churches, the first of which is called El Redentor.
El Redentor PCA was also the name of the church in Miami where Manny and Terri first met in 1977 (and married in 1981). Manny, who initially was pursuing an engineering degree, embraced the call of God to the ministry and went on to earn his B.A. from Covenant College (1982) and an M. Div. from Reformed Theological Seminary (1987) becoming a third-generation pastor.
In 1987, Manny and Terri, along with their two daughters, served as part of the MTW team in Santiago, Chile, where they were blessed with their son. In obedience to God, they returned to Miami, Florida in 1992 where Manny has continued serving in Spanish-speaking ministry with MNA and the CRC. Terri has enjoyed a very successful real estate career for the past 27 years while supporting Manny’s calling. They are joyous to return to MTW and continue their ministry now in Colombia.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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