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Baxley, Andrew & Kelly
Serving in Colombia | Acct # 10928
Andrew and Kelly met while attending Covenant Seminary and married in May 2015. Andrew’s love for youth and family ministry and Kelly’s heart for gospel-centered counseling led them to serve with MTW Next in Bogotá, Colombia, beginning in 2017. All three of their (wonderful) children were born in Bogotá.
Locally, Andrew co-leads MTW’s Bogotá team as they seek to support, foster, and plant healthy churches in the city. Primarily, Andrew and Kelly serve the United Church of Bogotá, an English-speaking, international church focused on reaching people from all over the world who have made their home in this bustling metropolis. They both work with the community of youth and families in the church and Kelly leads a vibrant counseling ministry. Through UCB, they are also working with a local Colombian pastor to plant a new Spanish speaking congregation.
Regionally, Andrew leads the Next team in the Americas in their ministry to the children of MTW missionaries throughout Latin America and the world. Andrew and Kelly long to see missionary kids sustained and encouraged. They also seek opportunities for multiplying impact by helping train local church leaders seeking to reach young people in their communities.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
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