Lupton, Andrew & Laura Kate

Serving in Norway | Acct # 14211


After nine beautiful years at the United Church of Bogotá, the Luptons transition to Norway with hearts that beat to reach the nations and the next generation through the international Church. With transnational migration sweeping across the world, more people are on the move than ever before. Today, 3.6% of the world’s population are considered international migrants living away from their country of origin. Andrew and Laura Kate believe that there is no more strategic vehicle than the international Church to guide mobile people to their true home in Jesus Christ and to mobilize them for the mission. 


The Luptons will labor to plant an international church in Oslo, one of Europe’s most diverse and secular cities. Through this flagship international church, the Luptons look forward to supporting MTW’s new Norwegian church planting movement. Additionally, Andrew will coordinate church planting for the Missional International Church Network. Their prayer is to see healthy, Christ-centered international churches started and strengthened in strategic cities where the nations and the next generation intersect. 


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