Andino, Christopher

Serving in Colombia | Acct # 400696


Christopher was born in Boston into a non-Christian home. He came to Christ at the age of 21. Since then he has had a heart to work in full-time ministry. The Lord answered that call by sending him to Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia to earn his Master of Divinity degree. Using the knowledge Christopher gained from his studies, he will serve in various areas of pastoral ministry in Rionegro, Colombia.

Some of Christopher’s roles and responsibilities include preaching, teaching, leading different groups, leading training, administration, communication, and publicity. He will also help establish a connection with the local church and some of the universities in Rionegro, developing plans for the universities, leading activities on campus, Bible studies, recreation/social activities, English Club, etc. He will also be working with some of the seminaries in the area. Although these are short-term goals, one of his ultimate goals in Colombia is to help plant a church. During his time on the field, he will observe the development of the local church El Redentor, developing the skills necessary to learn both the non-Christian and Christian cultures in Colombia.

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