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T., Charles & Irene
Acct # 400932
By 2050, Africa is expected to be the center of Christianity, as more than 40% of the world's Christians will reside in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, the African church, plagued by syncretism and prosperity gospel, needs a gospel-centered reformation.
MTW's West Africa team is addressing the reform needs of West African Christianity by revitalizing and planting churches and especially training pastors in the Reformed tradition through the Timothy House model, a two-year residential church planter training center by MTW's West African Reformed Mission.
As Americans and natives of Ivory Coast and Cameroon respectively, Charles and Irene are excited to join the team as a bridge between them and their African partners, and help fulfill WARM's vision of replicating the impactful Timothy House model across West Africa. Thus, after training in Senegal, Charles and Irene will relocate to Sierra Leone to explore creating a Timothy House there to spur the growth of its young Presbyterian Church in the Reformed covenantal tradition.
Charles completed an M.Div. at Westminster Theological Seminary, Pennsylvania. Irene is a registered nurse with a master's in nursing education. She will help with women's ministry, health promotion, and disease prevention education, among other responsibilities.

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Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
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