McBride, Dan & Janet

Acct # 14701


With decades of life and ministry experience in Africa, Dan and Janet support MTW’s church-planting ministries in Sub-saharan Africa (SSA) by serving as the member care coordinators for SSA (West Africa, East Africa, and Southern Africa). They lead a team of member care reps for Uganda, Ethiopia, South Africa, and Malawi. Dan and Janet serve as the member care reps for West Africa, directly providing member care for MTW missionaries, their families, and national partners in West Africa. Good member care promotes long term, effective service by our missionary colleagues and national partners. Dan and Janet want to see them thrive not just survive in the ministries and locations to which the Lord has called them. 

Dan serves on the board of the West African Reformed Mission (WARM), a division of MTW West Africa. WARM works together with national partners in six west African nations to evaluate, plan, and promote the planting of Reformed and covenantal churches by providing pastoral training, resources for church planting, mercy ministry, and economic development. Dan also serves on the Sub-Saharan Africa field leadership team.

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