News, stories of lives changed, devotionals, videos, missional thought. Browse to be encouraged, explore a call, or go deeper into an area of the world where missionaries are faithfully serving.
Caring for Missionaries at Every Stage
A church's love and care can sustain missionaries at all stages, from discerning a call, to living internationally, to returning home.
SEE MORE7 Ways to Pray for Global Missions
Until the day the Great Commission is fulfilled, there is much work to be done, which means there is much to pray about.
SEE MOREA Biblical Theology of Global Missions
Global missions is not just one topic out of many in the Bible. Global missions is the topic of the Bible.
SEE MORERevitalizing Churches Alongside Partners in the UK (VIDEO)
Across the UK a partnership between MTW and national partners is growing into something much bigger.
SEE MOREFifty Years and Counting: Karl and Debbie Dortzbach Reflect on Five Decades of Missionary Service
Over 50 years the Dortzbachs witnessed civil war, genocide, abuse, AIDS, and survived a kidnapping. But Jesus' glory shone through it all.
SEE MOREThird Culture Kids: The Benefits, Challenges, and How to Care for Them
Raising kids on the mission field has its challenges, but also offers unique opportunities for resilience, faith, and a global perspective.
SEE MOREGod’s Mission for the Church: A Look at Matthew 28:18-20
When we are making disciples of non-believers, baptizing them, and teaching them God's ways, God will receive greater glory.
SEE MOREGrief Transformed by Community: Venezuelan Refugees Find Family in Panama
Refugees William and Sol know the ache of loneliness of having left their home country. A Panamanian church welcomed them as family.
SEE MORERescuing the Unseen
MTW's CEMIPRE ministry center for the blind is restoring hope in Chile, especially in the wake of devastating wildfires last February.
SEE MORE9 Practical Ways to Prepare for Missions
While waiting to go to the field, don’t be idle. Take time now to increase the probability of success as a future missionary.
SEE MOREBuilding Bridges through Mission and Hospitality: Q&A with Russ Whitfield
Whether grilling for neighbors or encouraging global missions, Russ's passion for sharing Christ’s love is evident throughout his ministry.
SEE MOREAgricultural Development Program Is Solving Food Insecurity and Empowering Churches in Africa
An agricultural program in Africa has grown into a global initiative helping small farmers and enabling churches to become self-sustaining.
SEE MOREFrom the Coordinator: Prepare for the GMC by Reflecting on What He Has Done
Even if you are not attending the Global Missions Conference, may this be your preparation at every Sunday worship service.
SEE MOREAll the Way, the Savior Leads: A Missionary Family’s Journey Through Life’s Questions, Twists, and Turns
From adopting a special needs child in Bulgaria to church planting in Portugal, the Buergers’ many challenges have been met by God's grace.
SEE MORE7 Ways Your Church Can Pray for Missionaries
Your prayers are a lifeline, bridging the distance between your congregation and those serving on the frontlines of ministry.
SEE MORE9 Ways You Can Pray for Missionaries
The power of prayer in supporting missionaries cannot be overstated.
SEE MOREGod Exists in the What-If Spaces … So We Don’t Have to
What if we could live fully in the present by entrusting our fears to a loving and sovereign God?
SEE MORE5 Ways to Care for Missionaries During Home Ministry Assignment
HMA can be a stressful time as missionaries uproot their lives and ministry. But it also gives the church an opportunity to care for them.
SEE MOREAnxious About Support Raising? Remember These 5 Things
Don’t let the fear of raising support keep you from pursuing a call to missions. It may not be easy, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t good.
SEE MOREReformed and Covenantal: Why Doctrine Matters in Missions
Our mission is to make disciples, not Calvinists. But when poor theology twists the gospel of grace, solid doctrine is fundamental.
SEE MORESharing the "Teranga" of God Among the Wolof People
A new church is planted among the unreached Wolof people as the gospel addresses deeply ingrained cultural fears.
SEE MOREResilient Servants: How Persecution Led to Radical Growth of the Iranian Church
Over the past two decades, hundreds of thousands of Iranians have come to faith, making the Iranian Church the fastest growing in the world
SEE MOREA Missions Conference With a Global Impact
As the PCA Global Missions Conference approaches, we asked a few former attendees to share how the last GMC impacted them.
SEE MORESovereignty, Integrity, Creativity: A Conversation on Evangelism in Any Context With Rico Tice
We sat down for a Q&A with Pastor Rico Tice, co-founder of Christianity Explored and GMC speaker for a conversation about evangelism today.
SEE MOREFrom the Coordinator: A More Important Decision This November
If there is anything that will bring us together in an age of division, cynicism, and doubt, it is rallying behind our common mission.
SEE MOREStory Shorts: Japan & Mexico
A dying Japanese man makes a timely decision for Christ and a Mexican man receives a life-changing gift.
SEE MORECompassion Funds for Earthquake Relief Lead to Gospel Growth in Turkey
When believers Adem and Samira* gave people things they'd say "It is not from us. It is from the Lord. Jesus has provided these for you."
SEE MORERedeeming Evil for Good: MTW’s Cambodia Team Addresses the Problem of Human Trafficking
Mark and Laura saw the need for the girls and young women coming out of human trafficking to connect to the church. So they began to pray.
SEE MOREJars of Clay
I struggled to find the patience I needed to navigate my three crying children as my Muslim neighbor continued banging on my gate.
SEE MOREWho Cares for Me? Understanding the Role of Care as You Choose a Missions Agency
At MTW we want our missionaries to know who cares for them and what kind of member care to expect on the mission field.
SEE MOREMissionaries Should Communicate and Churches Should Demand It
When forced to cut back on support, churches will cut “the missionary we've been supporting for years, but just don’t hear from anymore.”
SEE MOREI Can Feel You Smiling
I spent Friday afternoon with 15 of the most beautiful people in the world. All were early beneficiaries of Ethiopia ACT.
SEE MOREOne Day on Mission in Fiji (VIDEO)
MTW Australasia missionaries ventured to Fiji for a gathering of Island to Island partners to dream and strategize about the mission.
SEE MORE4 Ways to Avoid Colonialism on the Mission Field
For those preparing for global missions, increasing your cultural sensitivity is an important part of your preparation.
SEE MORE7 Ways to Explore a Call to Missions
You feel that tug on your heart toward missions. Does that mean you should just go? Here are some helpful steps toward clarity.
SEE MOREThe Natural Evolution of MTW’s Church Planting Philosophy
"The Church must be at the center of what we do. It’s integrally intertwined with our vision, our mission, and our theology."
SEE MOREGod’s Perfect Timing for a London Church (VIDEO)
Todd and Liz Crusey hadn't planned on going to London, but when COVID hit, God redirected them at a time when they were critically needed.
SEE MOREPeace on Earth: Reflections on Luke 2:13–14
MTW Coordinator Lloyd Kim reflects on the shepherds' visitation, reminding us of the judgment we deserve and the peace we are offered.
SEE MORE6 Reminders for Singles Considering Global Missions
For singles, serving internationally may raise some unique concerns. We spoke to single missionaries who shared some encouragements.
SEE MOREOne Day in London With Liz Crusey (VIDEO)
Join us as MTW missionary Liz Crusey leads us through one day in London and get a peek into her daily life.
SEE MOREThe Single Missionary Experience
Single missionaries face unique challenges and opportunities as they minister abroad. But one thing is certain: God's kingdom needs them.
SEE MOREBless Us That We May Bless Others
As we pray, we can boldly ask for God’s blessing so that we can be a blessing to the nations.
SEE MORESarah Young: The Story of God’s Hand on My Mom’s Life
Mom's life reflected an unwavering devotion to prayer, deep Bible study, and writings that served as a conduit to draw people closer to God.
SEE MOREOur Global Missions Mandate
As God’s focus is on the nations coming to Christ, so our focus must be on the nations coming to Christ.
SEE MORE5 Tips for Parents Raising Kids on the Mission Field
The decision to serve on the mission field with kids can be daunting. Three missionary families share some advice from their experience.
SEE MOREIsland to Island Gospel Fellowship: Reaching the Pacific Islands Together (VIDEO)
God is bringing His people together in partnership across the Pacific Islands to equip pastors, deepen theology, and strengthen the Church.
SEE MORE50 Years of Grace: MTW Through the Years
As we celebrate 50 years, we wanted to share a few historic highlights through our timeline, some key initiatives, and an anniversary video.
SEE MORE50 Years of Global Missions: Cultivating Humility in the Face of Adversity
As we encounter ongoing challenges in global missions, we can take encouragement from Hebrews 11 and the faith and humility of Moses.
SEE MOREUkraine Presbytery Celebrates First In-Person Gathering Since the War Began (VIDEO)
Ukrainian church leaders met online during the initial months of the war, but all eagerly awaited the day they could gather again in person.
SEE MORE9 Ways to Stay Healthy on the Mission Field
Missionary life brings challenges. Staying physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy is key to flourishing on the mission field.
SEE MOREEthiopia ACT: Twenty Years of Impact
For 20 years, Ethiopia ACT has been restoring health and hope to the most vulnerable in Addis Ababa while providing a clear gospel message.
SEE MOREFrom the Coordinator: 50 Years of Missions—Looking Back, Looking Forward
As MTW turns 50, we look back and give thanks to God for His great faithfulness and grace to our beloved missions community.
SEE MORE9 Ways to Care for Missionaries
Missionaries need discipleship, care, and connection to the body of Christ. The church can step in to help.
SEE MOREShould We Still Send Missionaries?
Why should we send missionaries around the world when there are so many needs here?
SEE MOREEncountering God’s Grace: Acts of Kindness Lead a Roma Woman to Jesus
When her husband's death left her destitute with two children, Helena was lost. But God was at work in a new community of Roma believers.
SEE MOREThe Smoke of a Thousand Villages: Responding to the Mission of the Church
Today, the gospel is spreading like wildfire. Yet many places around the world there is still no sufficient gospel witness.
SEE MORE“Trauma Upon Trauma:” MTW Poised to Help Earthquake Victims in Turkey and Syria
“The need is more than we can describe. Really overwhelming.”
SEE MOREThe Urgency of Evangelism
As Christians, we know that people are dying everyday due to sin. And we have the cure of the gospel. Are we obeying our Lord?
SEE MOREFrom the Coordinator: Missions Leaders, Come and See
We are hearing more and more stories of people coming to faith during the pandemic, but we are also hearing of a greater need for workers.
SEE MORERecognizing My Weaknesses: Reflections on My Internship in Bulgaria
I came expecting an easy summer and left with a deeper understanding of my weakness, my need for God, and my need to rest constantly in Him.