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Greete, Rich & Crissy
Serving in Global | Acct # 12713
Rich and Crissy served in Japan and Singapore on multicultural church-planting teams from 1986 through 2001. They assisted in planting five churches and became proficient in the Japanese language.
After the Greetes returned to the U.S., Rich obtained a master’s in counseling from RTS- Orlando. He is a licensed mental health counselor specializing in trauma therapy. He serves missionaries by providing counseling at MTW Re-entry Conferences for missionary families returning from the field. For missionaries on the field he provides counseling at MTW Area Retreats and crisis counseling as needed. Rich and Crissy have a heart for training national leaders to help others experience freedom from trauma and know God’s love more deeply. Rich has taught on Christian marriage and trained leaders in trauma therapy in Asia, Africa, Central America, and Australia. He anticipates traveling to more places as opportunities arise.
Rich and Crissy are graduates of Columbia International University, and were married June 19, 1982. Rich also has an M.Div. from Trinity International University. He was ordained in 1985 and is a member of the Central Florida Presbytery. They are blessed with three adult children: Elizabeth and Jonathan, born in Japan, and Julia, adopted from Russia.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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